
Can’t speak for whoever you’re talking to but I’ve never grasped anything more in my life and this is speaking as a former 13-year-old.

If you want to participate in the gig economy with your Tesla, go nuts. After 5+ years of taxi duty that car will be worthless, and the morsels of revenue share Tesla pays you might offset the car’s accelerated depreciation, maintenance, and repair costs.

Money making assets depreciate too. They’ve even factored it into the tax code.

I need the battery to stop deteriorating. It was pretty disheartening seeing my wife’s Leaf gradually lose capacity over the course of our 2 yr 24k lease. They all do that to some degree.

They are indeed awesome. That reminds me, I made a large post in Oppo back in March or so about my 2004 Touareg project... V10.

The rear tire carrier was optional and required a different bumper cover for the swing arm.

We saw a few trade-ins of these for H2s and H3s and they were really fun to play with, but that interest was never hand-in-hand with the fear of actually owning this nightmare.

No one here is interested in your “facts”. 

This is true for corn-based ethanol in North America. Brazil uses sugar cane, which is many times more efficient to produce, making it a good alternative fuel in sugar cane regions. Corn-ethanol has an energy balance (energy in vs energy out) of only about 1.5x which combined with transportation inefficiencies (you

Came here to say this.  Flying car implies that they can also travel on land.   

Lol this is seven shades of absurd. Not happening.

This is the correct take.

I bet he also didn’t use the most progressive language since he was born in 1924. He probably also didn’t have the most enlightened views on women or minorities. He might have even made off-color jokes. You idiots need to stop judging everything and everyone by your woke standards.

In 100 years, when people write

Yes, he was a businessman. That doesn’t mean he was evil or the like. His push back against regulations was a calculation. He calculated that accepting regulations added cost to his cars, which reduced sales.

Imagine that, an automotive CEO hired by a board of directors to make money for shareholders taking issue with onerous federal regulations that would hurt shareholder value. What a shocker.

Why a critical piece today?  Poor timing.

His past track record speaks for itself.

He always had good instincts. Minivans weren’t even a thought when he started at Ford in the 1940s, didn’t stop him from pursuing the project in the 1980s, when he sensed there was a demand for something more versatile than a station wagon. V8s were the standard of the US auto industry for most of his career, but he

Rip Lee.

I was trained to be in spot 1 in your diagram in traffic, that way my tail light is directly in the lie of sight of the driver behind. She would have been dead or seriously hurt if she had followed that.