
I live in Texas.


Neutral: There are so many features I don’t need, so I’ll harp on a couple that so many manufacturers THINK we need, so they include it on a lot of cars.

I don’t think this was a good way for Koenigsegg to correct the record. They should have tweeted, “Quick jump on this One:1 before Bonham’s figures out how much it’s really worth”... which would have alerted Koenigsegg’s Saudi clientele, that follow their Twitter page, this auction is coming up and they need to bid

I think it’s pretty safe to say Mazda is the modern Olds: sporty, technologically aggressive, and very firmly mid-market (between Pontiac and Buick). I don’t think it should want to try to horn in on BMW’s domain, even if it is more reliable.

I’m really confused about the 5 Hours of the Glen. The IMSA website shows this:

I think you’re overestimating how much people care about these dumb laptime stunts.

I have three Toyotas. Two were made in Ohio, one in Japan. The only one with problems is the Japanese one (oil control rings problem from a subvendor). The ones made in Ohio have been rock solid.

Neutral: Check? As car people, I think most of us already know before we buy.

My first thought was, “There’s always that one asshole...”

I mean, come on...

Can’t wait to see him in IndyCar!

Good eye, those are 3rd gen Camaro lights. My old man installed a kit someone on the forum made to retrofit them to the Fiero.

I remember when his dad was active on the Fiero forum back in the day. Good dude, and he took great pride in that car. Last post I saw of his was talking about selling it off because he couldn’t enjoy it anymore and how it didn’t need to just sit.

I don’t like how the F35 is supposed to be this plane that can somehow do all jobs all missions. that is what they sold the plane on it will cost less money because they will only have to pay to develop the ONE platform.... All it takes is a country willing to spend money to develop separate specialized jets and that

Empirical evidence disagrees with your assessment. Gasoline cars are in accidents hundreds of times a day and manage to be stored in garages without self-immolating.

This is the most infuriating thing. The man isn’t stupid, he’s had his hands in creating some impressive stuff. But then he turns around and does the dumbest crap like this.

As a NASCAR fan, I support this. Nothing wrong with the understated NASCAR logo on a pendant or something. NASCAR fans know what it is and strike up a conversation. The average consumer sees it and goes “Oh that looks nice” and no judgement for being a Motorsports fan in modern society. It’s not ostentatious like most