
So wait... You want an X-Men-free MCU, and a separate, Fox-free X-Men series, eventually combining the two?

Yeah, the Russo’s are probably done before him, bc he has to do some part in an upcoming movie, for whatever reason. I’d really like for him to stick around tho. The MCU is better for having an uber-moral center like him. He’s the leader. It’d be like doing a set of DC movies involving the Justice League, Titans, et

I don’t think that’s anywhere in the cards for the MCU, for another 10 years, but I’m with you. I personally don’t like heroes fighting each other as some big event. Maybe 1 vs 1 every now and then, but not whole movies or summer event comic series. I liked Civil War, but the reasons for the full on battle felt flim

Why the hell would u do that when most of the games released for both, we’re crossbuy? So of course you’d buy the ps3 version cuz then u got the vita version for free. And then the others aren’t the same games, like uncharted. All 3 ps3 uncharted games are excellent, but the vita’s Golden Abyss was like the pee wee

What a pussy ass bitch world we live in than a company can’t even use a similar character type before all the little fanboys are crying that she should sue them. Fucking sue for everything, that’s this generations answer. Well let me ask u this, if it was illegal to use ssomeone’s likeness, how is SNL still on the