Von Brawndo

"Original Texts" is always misleading since there are no full original Hebrew or Aramaic bibles lying around. Erasmus was using a dozen or so early sources from Byzantine and Latin sources, but these were still dated hundreds of years AD. There is no definitive edition that tells you the awful truths that the Xians

The children, that's what died.

Geez, freaking American puritans.

Or Saturnalia. It's like they're _trying_ to ruin the harvest.

I'm pretty sure most high schoolers read the Scarlet Letter and realized that Puritans were hypocritical assholes. Hawthorne makes it somewhat clear.

Wasn't Rome $200 million for its two seasons?

I assume this account was made only to show distaste for things.

Well yes perfumes were expensive so the lower classes smelled terrible everywhere. Still do.

The part where Polo gets on a airplane probably would have divided critics.

Lena Heady was the worst part of this movie. She was trying to be heartless and cold but came of as extremely sleepy.

A new 4D attraction in Epcot "Scenes from the Decomposition of Paradise".

"Hey, can we please concentrate on something besides T&A for once?"
'For once'? So then, it's never been done? Or are you being hysterical?
Gotta love this upper middle class white feminist hyperbole overload. "Only unwashed horny people are not utterly outraged by this!"

Dis tweed too thick yall. *audience reaction*

The book spends a good deal of time describing the awe one feels in the presence of Jamie's enormous, Scottish cock, so I at least expect the characters to get laid about 1000x more often than the ladies of downtown abbey.

Yes, now that the moms can't get this film banned, clearly their next move is to murder the director. So much blood on the hands of the shrill christian housewives.

Or the tired "this is a song celebrating the spending of welfare money on drugs, which is something I dislike."

What the hell is with this sympathy for Larrick? He's been training military dictatorships how to properly torture, murder, and dispose of anyone who dissented in Central and South American hotspots for, likely, the last decade or so. You know, the horror of 75-85 in Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, etc.

Wow. Looks it doesn't take much effort to hit a nerve for some people.

Your kids are all ugly anyway. That's why there are no pictures.

They do get a bit development before their pointless endeavor.