Von Brawndo

Billy and the Timeosaurus

Foer responds to reviews of his latest work:
"I'm a vegan." -Jonathan Safran Foer

I like that. There's that double edged sword of literally confirming peoples' faith. According to (some) Christians we'd all be killing and raping people without religion. But what the hell would actually happen if people actually had concrete confirmation that the afterlife existed? Fucking chaos, blood in the

Ineson has the deepest, Yorkiest voice I've ever heard.

Wait, I thought her near-catatonic state was because she was asking too many questions and then poof she got catatonitized by evil man.

The "Take on Me" look was the height of mansexy at the time.
(2 years early I realize)

I'd let her sign my book.

I also call other human beings asshole, shitface, and fuckwit on occasion. Sometimes my humanity drops so precariously that I use "harpy". Everyone clutches their pearls and I realize I went too far, but it happens.

Sexuality was portrayed as a negative force that can only demean women, even when female editors approve it or possibly even promote it (as long as the article is devoting so much time to speculation). Male sexuality in particular, given any airtime is a negative regression in this 'roundtable', which was just a

What the hell is imaginary, what am I lying about? I just read a sex-negative article by sex-negative feminists. You read this as "all feminism is sex-negative". Talk about projection. Anything that isn't supportive of this particular regressive brand of feminism is apparently "MRA". What a lie.

Ah MRA boogeymen. Classic AVC.

We don't take kindly to dissenting o-pinions round here, fella.

"Short women", wow. They prefer to be called "spinners" you sexist wank.

They kind of speak for themselves.

This Shank joker thinks there's such a thing as women who are sex-negative harpies. What a joker!

I'm hoping we'll see a Sansa that commands the forces of the Vale to hunt down every man, woman, and child in and around the Dreadfort and bring them all their heads, along with burning it to the ground and striking the Bolton name from all records. Hopefully not some pissant cop out of her wanting to be a more

Ah, no. Abraham's father was Assyrian, who are a persecuted minority under Arab rule, subjected to a massive genocide under the Turks in the early 20th century and an ongoing one under ISIS.

Indeed. The boys and the Indians are happily living next to each other and 'play fighting', like, well, children. 'Sometimes we win, sometimes you win'. The Indians only get potentially murderous when they believe their princess has been legitimately kidnapped and is in danger. They respond by threatening to burn the

Oh GOD I love ultra progressive infighting! You're not intersectional enough! Your feminism is too white! Taste my direct correlation of gender to race! Answer for the actions of centuries past! :popcorns: