
Congratulations, you have taken an error and made it a racist thing. Obviously the reporter missed the word “Modern” as viewed in this CNN article:

I ouwld agree with you if that was the focus of the article, but it’s not. The focus of the article is how the smart device broke up a domestic dispute, not what the domestic dispute was about.

There’s a word for that line of thinking... It’s on the tip of my tongue...

Holy crap, I thought this day would never come, someone trying to have a reasonable discussion on... Here...

I wish more people would realize that shouting “The system is broken” and “Fuck those people because of their race” isn’t going to solve the problems, discussion and coming up with sensible ideas will.

To be fair, most criticisms/arguments/disagreements do typically end in physical assault in the U.S.

Well, actually, if someone doesn’t work well in a team and believes others are getting better treatment than them, they probably aren’t getting as much done, and are costing said team money. Then there is the whole “What constitutes sexual harassment” thing which makes accusations very hard to prove/disprove...

Alright, I really don’t get this whole republicans are acting like Nazis thing, like, so far all they have done is imposed travel bans on some countries, and made migrating into the U.S. harder, when Kristallnacht or something similar happens, then I may see the whole parallel, but until then, it’s just another

What the actual hell, is EVERYTHING about race to you people?

yup, sure, no unnecessary violence going on over there

An unnecessary loss of life, absolutely horrible, violence is never the answer. That goes for both sides of this shitshow.

That comment actively disgusts me, and it should disgust you as well, you’re comparing a place where THOUSANDS of people were forced into slave labour, then put in gas chambers and killed to this.

Or you get idiots who complain about how this is unnecessary and racist.

This had been kind glossed over, WTF does “Caucasian” sound like?

Simply by the replies to this comment, you can tell that Gizmodo is inhabited by a overwhelming amount of people who don’t understand what whining about Trump actually is...


Throwing a “Fuck Sargon” In there just cause?

People like you make me endlessly sad.

Where’s Jack Ryan Jr when you need him....

Why are you dragging Canada in to this?