
The only reason companies are all about The Facebook is because they have most likely recently hired some jackwit who talks out their ass about the "necessity" of a Facebook presence. Said jackwit likely doesn't have an original idea in their head, and is pushing "social networking" because its just a warmer, fuzzier,

You can. I picked up Fallout New Vegas for just this occasion and was able to install the update, no problem-o.

Please, take Jim Carrey back.

Very happy about the credit monitoring. That's what is really needed.

Fapping at 10?!

Me thinks this is just N. Korea finally getting back at us for Mercenaries 2.

Please correct me if this is incorrect, but does anyone think that this would have occurred if it hadn't been for Hotz's innocent little jail-break?

Exactly what have they done to deserve exactly this?

Sony was on (IMHO) such a roll before this all went down. 2011 was really looking to be the Ps3's year until all this. I miss my RDR posse, I miss my brutally dry English buddy (whom I've never heard laugh), I miss seeing what my PSN friends are up to, and giving them shit over what titles they are playing

I would just appreciate an employee that actually knew their shit about the games they were pushing.

Better change it on all your accounts then.

Would then transactions since January be more likely for data theft than say transactions prior to the hack?

I feel it has a lot more with the attempt to have your opinion be heard on the virtual playground. Users on message boards want their posts to get looked at, and if the bitch train is picking up steam, well 'All Aboard!'.

Ah'right, confession time.

That's the problem with these kids these days: They don't know the difference between a toy and a tool.

Me thinks someone needs a new hobby.

I like jokes (and gum)! I liked your joke!

Yup. Yer all alone.

Huh. No companions. Is this a solo mission?

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