Kane, perhaps yes.
Be careful! There's bound to be more linking and head shaking in store for you dropthepilot, what with you and all your "thinking " and refraining from ad homonym attacks and all!
Absolutely. This "RP" trivializes the entire point it was trying to make.
Did not know "Shrill-Harpy Beast" was a playable character class in Guild Wars 2...
He knows. Don't worry. He knows.
Pew! Pew!! Pew!!!
I loved, loved, LOVED Patrick Swayze in Footloose!!
No. You are not the only one.
North Korea maintains enough long-range artillery at the DMZ it could literally level Seoul in half-an hour.
NCAA 2004 on the original XBox. My Ps3 took a dive two weeks ago and while waiting for the replacement, got sucked into the Season & Dynasty mode. The create-a-player/ team function is amaze-balls and the PAC 10 is currently stacked with six of my self-created Institutions of Higher Learning.
I am glad my workplace is not safe for this.
... And the wind will forever whisper his name.....
"Wake up Shepard" indeed...
Cosholicism cured, thanks Kotaku!
Alternatively, if the Catalyst was indeed unreliable, one could also imagine it used the deployment of the Reapers as an eternally repeating galactic game to determine a champion.
I really hated that "boss".