I’m expecting he’ll be on screen for about as long as he was in DP2, or Brad Pitt
I’m expecting he’ll be on screen for about as long as he was in DP2, or Brad Pitt
Yeah, and considering it was where he met his wife, you’d think he’d be a little less harsh toward it.
My first thought was going to be, this movie will introduce the MCU’s take on Wolverine, and Deadpool will fantasize that it’s Jackman, only for reality to be different, and Deadpool will be pouty for the movie, until the third act makes him realize the new guy isn’t bad...
Yes. It would be very Deadpool to feature some kind of wacky thing like Wolverine the Musical on a billboard in the background and Wade to have an imaginary conversation with the giant Logan staring down at him.
Err... I don’t think they’d be leaning into this so much if it was going to just be a cameo. Is it going to be on the same scale as Cable in Deadpool 2? Eh, maybe not, but I don’t think it’s gonna be like the other X-Men showing up briefly in whichever Deadpool film that was. I think it’s probably best to set our…
I doubt Reynolds and Disney would market like this if Wolverine was going to be nothing but a cameo or short “gag” rather than a leading character.
When I saw this announcement, all I could think of is “Oh, so is it going to be like X-Force in Deadpool 2?”
Yeah GL wasn’t AWFUL. It has some good stuff (Mark Strong being the standout) but the stuff that WAS bad wasn’t RR’s fault.
this you?
From what I’ve read, it should be open and shut, because the new company doesn’t actually own the rights to Star Frontiers in the first place. They just bought the rights to the old TSR logo and it’s name. They don’t have any claim on the IP . Thus wizard’s can merrily use Star Frontiers races in D&D. The hate coming…
Star Frontier is a game set in space, that involves aliens (bugs, blobs, all the standard stuff). Trying to work in stereotypes about humans just seems like doing trying to do extra credit work for your bigotry.
Just a wild guess, but since Africa and South America once were connnected, that is when the vibranium asteroid hit and there is vibranium in both places, and Atlantis has it too, but now that the world knows about Wakanda having so much and not being able to get it, they start looking for more and find it in South…
You’re not wrong. As noted in Stargirl, the JSA Earth is usually Earth-Two/-2/E2, and there is only the Justice Society, no League. They formed in WW2 as a loose alliance, before making it a more formal group after the war. Red Scare shut them down for “hiding in masks”, then they went into Limbo to fight Ragnarok for…
so the trope of “muse gets captured by an artist” is one that’s pretty famously referenced by Strange Horizons [http://strangehorizons.com/submit/fiction-submission-guidelines/stories-weve-seen-too-often/]
Claudio has always been a cool guy, since he was just doing amateur-but-skilled art back on ENworld.
This reminds me of the time when....
I await the first fight scene, the first chase and the first romance in order to make a judgement. To see if this will be Tolkien or Bruckheimer. I have nothing against the latter, but I'd keep him out of my Middle Earth (Beleriand too).
I keep forgetting about it, really enjoyed Season 1 but barely anywhere talks about it it enough to remind me to catch up.
Yeah and it’s surprisingly great imho. Like on paper it definitely shouldn’t be, but somehow it works really well.
“There’s nothing I get more gratitude from than continuing the legacy of my sister with Stargirl,” wrote Johns, who created the character of his late sister, Courtney