
I tend to agree. I’m glad others are enjoying the new form Gwent has taken, but I really had more fun with what it originally started out as.

Love people who build tall towers out of wood. I managed to turn a 1v8, with that 8 being two full teams, into a win thanks to people building towers that I kept shooting down.

Goliath Monk. I punch everything!

Yeah that darn Valk glitch was the worst.

Yeah we vote to kick when we can carry the vote, but otherwise if you vote to kick and they don’t get kicked then they start team killing the next round.

Yup me and my team always killed any Doc that was using that cheat. We wanted a fair game played and going 4v5 was better than having a cheater.

Sticking with console. Only one other friend has a gaming computer so to stay with them, since Destiny still requires needing friends, I’ll be on console.

Rainbow Six Siege, Cav’s handgun is amazing to play with. You don’t even need to use her primary weapon, just run around with silent step and her handgun.

Highly recommend the Good, the Bad, and the Weird. Found that movie to be very enjoyable

Could be worse. You could choke on R6 like I do, and then everyone votes to kick you. Happens all the time because people can’t be calm even on casual.

This is how I feel when I play Siege. I finally hit Platinum this season and love how this rank feels with teams, but I worry what’ll happen if I fall to Gold again. I worked hard on console to get to Platinum and don’t want to lose that.

Fair point I guess I didn’t realize it’s only been a year. Thought for some reason it’s been longer but then my sense of time is never great.

The first one wasn’t bad but I was really hoping for DOOM 2 since that first one they did was just perfect I think.

Ah yes For Honor, where everyone is playing centurion right now and it sucks.


Screw the stats, I’m in it to look good. I may not have the best stat ranges in For Honor, or have almost all stats in strength in Destiny, but damn I look good.

It’s not really an MMO. They have DLC expansions like most games, but no monthly fee or anything to play. So the paying is no different than any other AAA game, they’re just trying to make the game world feel like an MMO experience, which works sometimes.

I know I rarely see people running around without helmets. I love to keep the helmet off I think I made my characters look pretty great.

Now playing

While there’s never not a good time to show Dunkey videos his actually shows a lot of interesting ideas in the game.

FINALLY. Answers to why my wife and I’s playstations aren’t connecting.