From CNN:
From CNN:
and was actually considered to direct The Phantom Menace back before Lucas himself took over.
You can’t go back. You can’t go home. Its this way because of faith. Faith in the dollar. Faith in the rich. Faith in promises. There aren’t enough of us. And that makes the asshats of the USA very, very happy.
You have some aggression’s deep down you might want to get a handle on.
It amazes me how much of modern America reacts to unions. They look at industries where unions are strong and don’t say, ‘wow they get solid benefits, good wages and protection from frivolous management, how do I do that for my company/industry?’ Rather they say, ‘those guys are gouging the system and they get to…
Sadly, your sarcastic-sounding conclussion is true. We are now a nation of bootlickers and worshipers of the wealthy. Most people think the rich “deserve” or “earned” their vast wealth deapite most wealthy people not contributing anything of actual value to society.
Meanwhile, over on Fusion, their writer on the GA election post is upvoting known Judasisascaredycat copycat troll (who hasn’t been banned even though I got an email from Kinja help desk that this account had been “dealt with” this morning).
What is Georgia thinking???
Great job, Georgia. Smart choice!
Yeah, I know, a single-digit loss in a district R’s won by 20 points last year, blah blah blah. Anybody else depressed as fuck right now? We are stuck with Trump and his evil brethren for the foreseeable future, and if there’s anything worse than Trump, it’s Trump thinking he won something. That’s Trump at maximum…
Watch out for the CD changer in the trunk
I don’t have any trust issue with my back button on my Android phone though... And I definitely find it very, very useful.
Not on list: Governor Rick Snyder who made the decision and covered it up.
It was their money that got Snyder elected. And re-elected.
I’m just going to assume it was somehow Betsy Devos’ cult/families fault.
There are all sorts of advisory councils that you’ve never heard of that nevertheless do important work. Implying some sort of neediness (“they aren’t getting enough attention”) is at issue here misses the mark.
On a somewhat related note, Indiana is paying 100,000 out to a firm due to the high volume of public record requests over Mr Pence’s emails, which were routed through a private AOL account. Who is the crooked one again?
I was gonna say. Wasn’t Pence responsible for a localized epidemic? Seems it’s all just falling into place for them.
They must be taking their cues from Mike Pence’s smashing public health record in Indiana. Also, I believe this falls under Jared’s purview. I am starting to think a business MBA from Harvard is not worth the paper it is printed on, especially when you have to bribe people for the paper.