Volt the Robot

Your experience and my experience are almost exactly opposite. I quite enjoy my Pixel Buds, and I can highly recommend them!

So, you pretty much don’t like them because can’t read a fucking manual?

but they’re not truly wireless—there’s a cord connecting them together

So what your saying is Google’s new earbuds require the latest phone to do to utilize the latest software. And they’re not cordless because they have a string between them that can rest on your neck and keep them from vanishing. You realize it’s not the buds that are doing the translating, but the app on your phone,

I liked these guys better when I thought they were just planetary wildlife. I’m not thrilled at the thought of them getting onboard the Millennium Falcon.

The lightsaber effects look off somehow and the gorilla AT-ATs are dumb as hell. Sorry, guys, even as a first-gen Star Wars fan, I’m finding it hard to get excited. Knowing we’re getting stuck with Abrams again for the next one helps temper any enthusiasm, too. I will see it, sure, but TFA did nothing for me in the

Yes. Which, if you think about it, is an SNL tradition. At least it is not a 2 hour movie.

I’m Burke. Carter Burke. I work for the company. But don’t let that fool you, I’m really an okay guy.

“ Okay Boomer I get it ..no doggy style and you have to be on top. Why does the ceiling keep lighting up like that?”


Why does IO9 keep insisted that Dan Aykroyd is slagging the reboot when he’s not. He’s got some criticisms, but other than that he was nothing but supportive.

I appreciate this is all fun and games but seeing as vast swathes of human kind on this planet don’t get human rights, what hope do robots have...?

Cool. Now if they can have the fights take place during the day instead of in the middle of a night-time rainstorm or the bottom of the mariana trench, that’s be hot.

Here is me stirring the pot. Why? Because I’m honestly wanting to see the responses.

Still not what it is... it’s 120 days on 7 countries... not all countries as implied... Nor are they the largest Muslim countries my any means. 120 fucking days... that’s 3 months to sort out the red tape bullshit from the facts... when you have 60 people with the exact same damn name as a known terrorist it requires

Grow the fuck up. One can have a disagreement and express displeasure at something and at the same time be respectful and helpful in other areas. Everyday my wife and I have a disagreement about something. Sometimes it’s about corn or broccoli for the side, other time’s it about over or under on the toilet paper.

I hope you realize when you say “It’s definitely not the photo of a man’s soul leaving his body as he willfully cooperates with evil to advance his own goals.” the “his own goals” part is referring to constantly working to make the world a better place in biggest ways he can.

It’s not a fucking ban Matt! Report the facts!

I’m going to have to say something that’s probably going to get a lot of flack, but here goes.