
I’m looking forward to Michael and Eleanor being on the same team - the quick look between them when Vicky started singing sold me completely. This episode felt like a lot of set up, but I guess every week can’t end on a ‘what?!’ note.

Was anyone cheering on Peter Thiel over Gawker? I mean, Gawker sucks but Thiel is a load of hot shit.

Hey everybody who was cheering Peter Thiel on against Gawker: Congratulations! This is exactly what you wanted! Weinstein even hired Theil’s lawyers! Betcha can’t wait until that sleazy New York Times finally gets what’s coming to it for *squints at index card* reporting on matters of public interest.

I’d like to comment more on this site but I have dozens of comments sitting in the grays and never posting. It’s not worth it.

How did *this* not get pending?

Ooh, awesome. Let’s make prisoners our executioners! Are we too cowardly ourselves? Would you, personally, rape him or stab him if you met him in the street, being fully aware of his crimes? No? Why? He deserved it. And it’s, apparently, okay to do it to people who you think deserve it. Or is only okay if other people

Yay, prison rape jokes! Aren’t we awesome.

I do not want to hear who Betty and Veronica want paired up. I want Betty and Veronica, themselves, paired up. And putting tanning lotion on one another. Please.

Gene Roddenberry’s views on Star Trek are hardly sacrosanct. The franchise was often at its lowest when he was running things - and at its best when other people took over (and started breaking his rules).

Yeah, but past Treks (caveat: I’m not a huge trekker and I really need to finish watching the last season of DS9 one of these days) almost always asserted that compromising the Federation values is a bad idea that leads to bad outcomes. Discovery has been a lot more ambiguous thus far.

And yet you are interested in commenting on it here.

You want to point to a show that’s amazed me over the years, it’s Bob’s Burgers. A poor schmuck burger flipper, his wife and kids trying to scratch a living in a Coney Island-like city. You’d think the writers would’ve been tapped out after the first season. And yet Bob’s Burgers keeps chugging along with funny sitcom

On one hand, I though the three episodes so far where all excellent and I’m willing to spend half a lunch/month on CBS for it. I guess they win this one.

I liked it a lot, but definitely felt the whiplash. Dame Judy Brunch was pretty great and shows once again how well Bob’s Burgers does with the juxtaposition of groups of people - frustrating vs. endearing brunch-loving millennials, in this case.

I’ll take your word for it.

As a teacher of mine said, “if you set out to copy a great performance, you can never be anything better than second-best.”

What do I expect from this show? Something fun and interesting. Something as much a product of its times as TNG was a product of the 80s.

And its silly to copy an 80s show, beat for beat, like

Apparently this was meant to be the 2nd episode but was moved after it didn’t test well which explains all the weird narrative backtracking.

Here’s my list of B- or above Voyager episodes, based on a rewatch I did last year, with episodes ranking as an A- in bold and straight-up A’s in bold and italics:

We're watching through it now (just about done with Season 3). There are some real groaners, but I honestly don't think they're any worse than some of the TNG I've seen.