
This is objectively good. I don’t understand why people who are so against abortion because it is ‘child murder’ don’t get that the best way to stop abortions isn’t to make them illegal (have you people HEARD of Prohibition???) but rather to increase sex ed/access to condoms/etc. etc.

Thanks. You owe me a Xanax.

She looks so much like her mother.

We had a good, decent man as President for eight years and didn’t appreciate him.

Part of me really wants this to happen. I’m Hispanic, my parents immigrated legally here. My grandfather worked undocumented in the United States. I understand the economic boon undocumented labor provides us.

And I’m saying she recognizes that Dr. Phil is a shill and an excellent business choice because he will make her lots of money. It’s really a lot less fun when I have to explain it.

“Sent from somewhere over the rainbow”

Technically we’re parasites

Oh goddamnit! It’s too late to change. I swear I wrote it correctly and my phone changed it.

Maher has long been a bigoted piece of shit. Why he’s spoken about highly in liberal circles is beyond me. He’s not half as smart as he thinks he is, and the only half-excuse in our society for being that much of a arrogant shitheel is intelligence.

Ugh yes, my liberal white dude brother is always telling me how much of a genius Bill Maher is and I tell him that I’ve always gotten a sexist vibe from him and am not a big fan.

I guess drain the swamp really means once all the water is gone you’re left with decaying lumps of organic matter. Now makes a lot of more sense.

please share this.