
"I've dwelled among the humans. Their entire culture is built around their penises. It's funny to say they are small, it's funny to say they are big. I've been at parties where humans have held bottles, pencils and thermoses in front of themselves and called out, 'Hey, look at me! I'm Mr. So-And-So Dick! I've got

Oh my God when the "vet" ("..sayin' it without sayin' it…I likea the laydiees") introduces a "healed" Kisses to Stan, jerking spasmodically from the car battery that keeps him alive, with testicles for eyes and frogs legs, I absolutely lost my shit completely. Also Roger's ("haha I like THIS dog!") and Steve's

OH man why would Mr. Furie vote for Hillary?! I love, love, LOVE Matt Furie, bought the original floppie run of Boy's Club (Buenaventura/Pigeon Press RIP, they raised the fuckin' bar for alternative comix something crazy) but surely someone that switched-on knows they're just as bad as each other? Hillary's record on