
If I lived in T&C I’d already have an auction site set up to offset the cleanup cost.

TFW a car-industry person uses “free” when they meant “included”

My dad had a vehicle where there’s a rail that comes up over your shoulder when the engine was turned off. He was the driver for 99.9% of all trips. Then we took a road trip.

We stopped at a convenience store and he wanted me to drive. He was holding a Big Gulp full of orange soda...in his right hand. I turned the car

Can I interest you in a...plastic bag to put the package in

I feel like you can accurately track inflation by charting the % of winning (nice price) cars over time. Rob can we get an infographic? I’m insanely curious now.

What A Don said. In SF the internet goes out when it rains a bunch...because places build things for what’s the norm.

Can you guarantee that

Not to mention the Accessibility challenges.

Am I wrong to assume this car has some futuristic way to report it’s location in the case of emergency?

(placeholder comment so I can star the article itself....best part of my day was reading this!) Appreciate you, Torch.

Like you said, scant details for the older couple in their 80s. But I have family that now uses Uber or Lyft for a great many situations (unsure if that’s an option this couple wants to consider given covid of course). Often a nearby family member will pick them up and deliver them to an appointment, then they can use

A star for mayor click bait because it made me chuckle.

I miss many things about the 80s...that APR is not one of them.

This was so, so close to fulfilling my USA TVR dreams...but I have to agree, the side view is disappointing.

I respect this fury. I refused to ride in my friend’s Toyota Tacoma 10 years ago, because the turn signals on the front were so far from the corner, no car would see them from the side.

I cannot understate its importance and grip” - did you mean overstate? Maybe I’m reading this wrong.

Why is this not a human-sized slot car race?

All you had to say was F-Zero...provided it makes the right sound (Woom Woom Woom Woom Woom)

Thanks for the article, interesting read. One nitpick: “Instead it was designed to compliment it”...I think you probably meant complement. Wait, maybe this grammar is different by country?

4 years later....DrunkenMessiah do you have more info on your setup and how you built it? URL maybe?