Spoiler alert: Canada didn’t get any of these or I’d have one in my driveway.
Spoiler alert: Canada didn’t get any of these or I’d have one in my driveway.
The thing with Jamie and Cersei’s deaths is that no one witnessed it, and their bodies would require years of excavation to discover. They’ll just be among the missing which is not a particularly strong way to end either story line.
The thing I don’t get is how did he have a network of kid spies on Dragonstone?
Yeah, the walls seemed completely un-manned in a dozen burninator shots, Euron’s ship was the only one to mount a defense and, after a bunch of establishing shots of archers, I can’t recall a single arrow being fired in the episode. Seems the surrender came long before the bells tolled.
Who needs dragons when you have someone who can re-create The Birds on command? Bran’s essentially Wikipedia and drone warfare rolled into one and Tyrion’s the only one who’s even mildly curious about any of it.
I think he’s referring back to how (magically) half of the Dothraki and Unsullied survived the battle at Winterfell after they were completely sacrificed outside of the walls.
And the thing is that there was an incredibly simple solution to their problem: drop off some of the weight in that completely deserted alpine valley, dump the majority of people and extra cargo at the beach, and then do a quick return trip. It’s not like they had aircraft pursuing them.
The decision is absolutely perplexing. The mix of vehicles you see in Alberta and B.C. strongly reflects places like Colorado; AWD vehicles and wagons galore all over the place. Exact same thing in Quebec too. I would have at least test drove a TourX, which would be the closest I’ve ever come to considering a GM…