nicely done
nicely done
If aliens are wise, they'd stay the heck far away from humanity.
"birth control is only available to the rich."
I'll read this article later, when I finish the game.
Just follow Batman:Arkham city 's example.
"...a girl who can control the thoughts and feelings of those around her. "
God bless America
CSI: Everywhere.
the villain: Dr. Cutting Torch‎
Total bullsh@t.
I just read the NYTIMES article. and have to get this out of my chest, even if it is off topic.
If they could find it, then they would dig deeper into the hopeless pit known as the standard model, of which more new holes are being discovered, even if Higgs boson would manage to plug a old one;
What does cheating have to do with paying? Cheaters got satisfaction when cheat, and they are willing to pay for happiness, like we are willing to pay for a movie.
Was that two fingers fingering her crotch? No competent designer can miss this, so it must be intentional. kudos to you, the perverted toy designer.
Didnt you say that in a Red Game "said character would never be seen bleeding or dying. In fact, in red games the character can never lose, especially to American and Japanese forces"? This was used to convince us that Chinese games are all parts of a Communist propaganda.
Simple, because logic paradoxes are waiting, if there were no rules.
1) If this were to be true, then the law of conservation of mass would have to be abandoned or be extended to include multiple universe(s). This means many laws in physics and chemistry would have to be reexamined and probably written.
The setting of the show never made any sense. So I doubt they'd win me back.
Never liked this Alice in the movie. Milla Jovovich got the part in the 1st one, allegedly, because the director, Anderson, wanted to get in her pants(pardon the language). But since the mission has been accomplished(they got married years back), why would Anderson continue this Don-Draper-Nepotism?
Was that the book in which the zombie problem just die down, inexplicably, after a while even without a cure?