
If only he had taken a tough stand on other issues...

This episode was just soso.

Am I the only one who feels sorry for the hand-robots?

Should I convert to gay now, become this study says so?

I performed the same ritual several times in college, when I was too drunk to locate another bottle of beer the old-fashion way.

"the Most Horrifying Thing I’ve Heard"? As horrifying as 9/11 was, it is far from the worst atrocities humans have done to each other. You really need to "hear" more.

Why can't a feminist be a whore or vice versa?

When you keep coming back from the beyond, and sometimes without the memory of past lives, it is NOT "death".

Hope the screenplay writers would butch the book, like they did to many classics, like Sherlock Holmes, Little Red Riding Hood, I Robot, etc, even though I usually loathe this kind of adaption.

How to you find one out of 3000 on the site, without a computer, if the names are arranged in this way, which is almost random?

Apple can not get billions in settlements from the trees.

Is the picture above the title taken from the movie?

The same could be said about the "bad guys" in shoot-them-up video games after 9/11: Russians were retired by Muslims.

Just hope it is as well-made as its trailers. it's been a long time since a horror movie/show challenged my nerves and my mind, instead of my stomach.

To say that this episode was boring is a compliment.

if this continues, will ONE black hole consume everything and become the universe itself?

Didn't you see "would never be implemented" at the end of my post?

Judging from the amount of porno it holds, it probably is a male.....

The best set of a horror movie is where the viewers can not avoid in real life, so that you'd re-live the horror whenever you enter a place that resembles the ones in the movie.

The managers of the channel are aiming for "broader" appeals. But it is doomed to fail from the start—like Obama's struggle for "bipartisan consensus". Both are just wishing thinking by ignoring reality.