
Even if Vogue had used an 18 years old, its essential message is still: look sexy, be obsessed with your appearance and don't worry about what's inside your brain.

This episode was horrible, from the plot, to the dialogues (what Juarez said that got her shot was hilarious), to the acting (again, the acting surrounding Juarez's ranting, from the dear doctor herself, the director and the solider, was beneath the level of an elementary school drama club).

Well, even "Her?" is more likeable than the Betty in season 4.

Duh. how could you expect that a show about "the Playboy club" gets something right on the topic of feminism?

Duh. how could you expect that a show about "the Playboy club" gets something right on the topic of feminism?

The blue is too dark, looks like lizard skin.

If what you said was true, then he should not act like the dad of LOST and flash his name like a golden brand. He should not expect to get all the glory but none of the blame.

"Most" Stupid? Don't underestimate the bottomless pit of human stupidity.

Here is what LOST should have been:

I stopped watch the show, when this guy changed his hairstyle in the latter episodes.

The tragedy of Russell was : Kurt Godel was born, and discovered the theorem, too soon.

Without the climax, it'd just be a non-solo exercise of push-up&squat.

Following this road, how long will it take for a Chinese leader to get a Nobel peace prize and claim dropping bombs on foreign soil is not "engaged in hostilities"?

Well, technically, political science is science.

I doubt we will. As the "documentary" from the future, "Idiocracy(2006)", told us, people who are not responsible enough to be parents will actually reproduce more.

Given the nature of human, the first species we create will be enslaved by us. And there will be rebellions, as intelligent creatures always do; and the human race will be annihilated, which has been the fate of all slave owners.

According to Google translate, the website on the poster: zq2.9wee.com is about "World Cup in martial arts". So it might be a soccer game.

0. Men.

I feel so old. I belong to the generation who think DDOS should not be considered as hacking.

Coin-tossing can be manipulated, yes. We have been using this since elementary school: toss a coin straight up with a certain amount of force, so it flies high but rotates slowly, then catch the coin in midair and slam it onto the other hand. Depending on which side faces up initially, you can tell the final result