
House, hmm..... drug abuse problem? ;-)

My thought too. This episode of Confidential is much better.

Some witty lines in this episode.

Romance in SCIFI is long overdue. More kisses and tears and could actually balance out death and destruction.

Never bought the whole superman thing, even when I was 8.

I thought the kid was cute, after realizing the only thing that made her creepy was the (blue?) light shining on her face.

If you "know" that you are losing your memory, that is terrifying. But if you do not, then it is not.

Look good, but lack imagination. Could be the cover art on any paperback SciFi novel.

The silence are not scary at all.

Why is that girl naked in the picture? Is this a measure to reduce takeoff weight?

What not just name a movie "X vs. Y"?

This "could have" is actually counterfactual.

Really?Then when can I get a body 2.0?

When will they patent making phone calls with phones?

Did using the view finder of the camera cause the condition of those two one-eyed ladies?

someone is missing, who?

This seemingly awesome weapon probably will not make into a video game soon. It is hard to use it in a FPS where the targets are (almost) required to be within the walking distance of the player.

@rnoyfb: "How many Americans would be felons if Japan's gun laws were to be used is irrelevant"

Because those irresponsible parents who run over 3 year old for they could not spare some attention to the whereabouts of their kids, we all have to pay.