
Nice try.

Just like all those “terrorists” in Ukraine, right?

And Russia is engaging in an “anti-ISIS” campaign, right?

The US bombs a hospital, and the President apologizes.

Hey, Ironic has to eat...

And thus begins the major issues confronting the Russian military’s adventure into Syria.

I suppose it’s fairly normal now. Another Russian entrance into a conflict; another set of lies about it.

... Uh huh.

Right? Great designs- even the older ones.

Two words:

Boy, the Kremlin’s troll team is really earning that overtime today.

Newsflash genius, People flee war zones regardless of their religious sects.”

How about the millions of Sunnis trying to flee the country? The 650,000 refugees on Europe’s door step, mostly Sunnis, also tell a different tale.

It doesn’t matter if he shot some low-level Libyan intelligence officer, or Bin Laden himself- what O’Neill did isn’t acceptable.

Assad has managed to maintain power by utilizing his armed force’s equipment and organization, and by capitalizing on the “non-ISIS” rebels having very poor access to heavy weapons, training, and organization. Furthermore, he’s merely slaughtered and displaced his way to security- which is far from “maintaining

Assad still enjoys a not-insignificant level of popular support

It’s actually eerily similar.

It’s funny this came up, because Just the other day, I read an article in Time Magazine that asserted Russian propaganda was having an extremely hard time selling the Syrian operation to Russians. So, thus began the latest round of nonsense on state-owned media outlets like this:

Now playing

And Russian propaganda has made Russian’s excel at critical thinking?

I have yet to hear anyone reasonably justify how it’s going to be possible for Bashar al Assad to maintain power (as per Russia’s stated plan) when, roughly, 74% of the population (percentage of Sunnis living inside Syria as a total of the population) mostly want him gone.