
We were given no other.

Side Note: That’s some of the greatest midriff I’ve ever laid eyes on. 

Exactly. How hard is it to share a little credit with the dead woman who spent years working on the case?

Yesterday was the first time I heard about this killer and all that; but it seemed like HUGE news and I wanted to support McNamara even if she’s gone so I went and bought the book. This cop is making me want to kick him in the teeth.

Murder goes unsolved for 3o years.

So apparently every time a trucrimrauthordoes a reading at this bookstore in Seattle they have plainclothes cops in the audience. Scanning the crown and taking pictures.


You used to be able to fire cops for shoplifting? You can’t even fire them today for murder.

Wow. Incredible news. Really looking forward to reading Michelle’s book.

This has me SHOOK. I read Michelle’s book and was horrified that someone who committed so many atrocities was never caught— and 40-something years later, wasn’t likely to ever be caught. I was fucking angry after reading it, thinking of him just sitting out there SO SMUG. I wish Michelle was here to see this day, and

I assumed he was dead or had been rotting in jail in a different state for decades. The idea he’s not only alive, but a former cop, and was apparently in California this whole time is ... wow.

Fuck that. They not only broadcasted their selfloveathon but they reached out and got the people in charge of marketing for the movie Pally is in to require him to show up. Press junkets are miserable enough for actors without making them show up to hand out awards for things they probably hate.

It was unprofessional no doubt. But social media marketing is bad, and telling people it is bad is good.

I think the point is that depression occurs regardless of your circumstances. And, more importantly, even when your depression is perfectly justified (I was miserable earlier in life because I had a crappy job, no girlfriend, no money, and generally not much going for me), it's important to acknowledge that being

I can definitely attest to this. I've been in relationships where we've both had serious problems and it's created a messy downward spiral that ultimately hurts both of us.

It is really really hard to get help. I've been through therapy and it's difficult to feel that it works at all. It's also time consuming, expensive, and takes a long time to see any results. People who haven't experienced depression act like one visit will fix everything.

I haven't suffered from depression but I have lived with a person who suffered from it periodically. Living with a depressed person who refuses to get help even when you offer to help them get help eventually generates a special form of mental exhaustion that if unchecked can quickly lead to bitterness, resentment

Excellent point. I can't emphasize this enough. I've had some terrible, terrible therapists and it made me believe that "getting help" was a waste of time. For a long time, I tried (with moderate, but not very long-lasting success) to just deal with things on my own, because I figured the "experts" were all wrong.

Also, while it's okay to get help—it's also okay to stop seeing a therapist who isn't working for you, and to keep seeking the one who will.

This is a great explanation and description of the psychological aspects of depression. I'd also like to point out that even though it's largely "in your mind," the physical aspects—and, often, causes—of depression are debilitating too. In the darkest hours, you don't have the energy to even pretend to be functioning.