
Well it's not like I am out shooting gay people. I just can't respect a movement that is spear-headed by bullies and freaks who try to one-up each other. That's why it's hard to respect libertarians, even though I'd also agree with them on most issues.

So you are trying to meet 11yo boys under bridges now? No wonder your daddy left you.

Whatever you need to believe to feel a small sense of victory in your life lol…

Shouldn't you be in your group therapy session about now whining about how your daddy never loved you?

lol Classic comeback when you have nothing else. Cool story bro.

Well I am not ecstatic, but happy enough with the cheap amusement your sadness provides to me.

Happy white man is happy! Guessing you are the angry white "man".

lol I guess you aren't very good at history, math, or logic. What a relic!

Yet you are scouting my replies to try to make witty rebuttals, tot my amusement. :-)

Sorry, do you whine that not enough Asians and Latinos don't get NBA MVP's, too?

Blacks are not entitled to a certain number or percentage of nominations or wins. Quit whining you entitled loser.

Are you fantasizing I am an 11yr old boy? Sicko.

Against and not respecting are two different things. I used to defend gays all the time when they were the ones being bullied. Now many, even if a loud, obnoxious minority, have become the bullies.

Sure. People like you depend heavily on acceptance from ppl like me. Oh you'll deny it, but your actions say otherwise.

Awwww did I hit a nerve? Butthurt ppl are sad and mad, and I am neither. Sorry to disappoint. ;-)

Not my fault when you use freaks and whiners and bullies as your spokesmen and then whine that nobody views you as normal.

Fishing in a shallow pond lately. They should have put a black girl up for a nomination so they could fall over each other rushing to fawn over her.

Poor butthurt losers… But hey, if you couldn't get offended and demand attention and adherence to your opinions, where would the fun in being different lie?

If there were more LGBT like you I could respect the movement a bit more. Don't take it as a backhanded compliment, it is genuine.

So she wins an Oscar for playing a woman with a lifetime of bad decision-making? Maybe I should get one for playing a guy who types comments on the internet.