
So, I grew up in Southeast Alaska at a time when artifacts of popular culture ~ like movies, for example ~ slowly migrated their way north to us over the course of 6 months to a year. That said, Star Wars was new to us, but had been out for a while in "the lower 48" by the time I was sitting in the only theater in

I must humbly disagree, Alcopheliac: if mimes were as scary as clowns, John Wayne Gacy might've done that instead…

It's weird: it's like O'Reilly doesn't get that the hatred is in HIS quarter…

Although I love the TV show when it's in my computer, I have no desire to put myself into the TV show: *living* in Black Mirror is a nightmare.

But… have you seen the line of succession? How much better could we do with Pence? After him it's Paul Ryan, then Orrin Hatch, followed by Rex Tillerson (Mobil), Steven Mnuchin and Jeff Sessions. And the hits go on… it's just a nightmare all the way down *and* the list is 17 people long. Now, if after 17 heart

Or, Chinese-Australian (Billy Kwan)…

Matt Damon?

"It’s also very wordy and a little awkward to say, but at least it tells you that the movie is about someone who lives, dies, and then repeats that process multiple times."