
Hah! That's just awesome. Wonder if it will recognize buildings from sky and make the targets react accordingly...

Please please PLEASE don't be single issue voters, people. I really hope no one is voting purely on what "geek" issues are proposed by the candidate. Even though I may be quite the geek myself, and really do hope a number of the issues mentioned get pushed forward, there are many more issues facing us at the moment

@Unholy_Hero: I have seen some faster load times with the PS3 in regards to media. How does the Netflix streaming stack up?

I must say, I'm quite disheartened to see Gizmodo editors publish something so blatantly partisan as this article. Regardless of my own political beliefs, which are indeed quite liberal on some issues and conservative on others, seeing it push out an article that says "VOTE DEMOCRAT!" really does sadden me.

@Unholy_Hero: As everyone else has said, back up what you're saying here with some reasons, please. I have an old 360 that makes for a great media streamer (hooked into my home network for music, and streaming Netflix for movies) and has some very good games. Plus the aforementioned fact that 360 controllers are

Where I grew up in Tennessee, it wasn't terribly uncommon to find unexploded ordinance from the Civil War. Even that has to be handled by skilled bomb technicians, as there is still a chance that they could still detonate under the right (wrong?) conditions. Sometimes, due to corrosion and the breakdown of the

@BazookaJoe: If you really want to experiment with it, film SLRs are incredibly cheap these days. A used Nikon SLR can be had for well under $50 on eBay.

@blyan-reloaded: I was in the process of being screwed over by BA earlier this year because of a promised refund they later reneged on. Lots of phone calls with 2 hour hold times and angry faxes and emails to every address I could get my hand on eventually got my money back from them. Seriously, in the unlikely

@hawkeye18: Normally I'm the first to quote this phrase, however, being inconvenienced at an airport is not exactly a violation of an essential liberty.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about modern American airport security. On one hand, much of it is nothing more than theatrics, trying to make people feel safe and make it look like they're doing something, even if that something is relatively ineffectual and redundant. On the other hand, I do see the need for

Even with security systems down, there is no one getting inside of a missile silo that is not supposed to be in there. They are literally modern day fortresses. Access requires going through multiple blast doors and hatches opened by combination locks and keys, as well as armed individuals manning each location.

Wonder how they're going to toughen up the iPad so that it doesn't break at the mere thought of a combat situation.

@basvanschellen: That is perhaps one of the creepiest things I've ever seen.

@L_____E_____T: Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I want it.

Haha! Love the movie, Joel. For reasons unknown to myself, I found the cat is walking on the top of the garage to the left hilarious...I think it was a combination of the music and the image.

So what I'm seeing here is that, basically, the only reason most people subject themselves to AT&T is because it's the only place they can get an iPhone. Right?

Definitely see the benefits in this if you live in a warm area. A few years back my parents re-did their roof in a lighter color (black to brown shingles) and noticed a significant decrease in cooling costs. Not sure if it would have a significant increase on heating costs in winter, but I doubt it. Sunlight

Bravo, Jack. This has been the same old story with any sort of new toy/electronic device for years now. Television, VCRs, video games, etc., all received blame for kids' bad behavior.