
First world problems... :(

Goodbye and good riddance.

Polish voice over is superior to English one, so I recommend it.

If you're European, you shouldn't bother with American DC/Marvel comics. Read Thorgal series and Chninkel. Nuff said.

It's so empty inside... :(

He looks like Myszasty from Gram.pl.

And this is one of the greatest advanteges of PC gaming: competition. If you don't like prices in one store, there's a big chance for something cheaper. GOG.com, Green Man Gaming, Amazon, Gamer's Gate, Cdp.pl, Muve.pl. You name it. You always have a choice.

GOG.com is worth your money. This store has a lot of awesome games - many of them are GOG's exclusives.

Iwona Strzechowska. Full stop.


If you travel a lot, laptop is handy. Most of gamers don't travel A LOT. This is why home consoles are still very popular.

Portability is overrated, especially in gaming. I need big screen, normal keyboard, mouse etc. Comfort is important, gaming laptops are horribly overpriced. I can have great desktop for less.

Gaming laptop = oxymoron.

So basically this is big FUCK U to customers. Nicely played EA. People are so naive, if they think that corporations will change.

No. Mark Hamill > everybody.

No LEGO Monsters, no Minifigures series...

Uh, yeah, just because man is looking at attractive woman, rape is in the air... :|

Windows crashes all the time? WTF are you talking about? Oh wait. Did you install Win 98?

And Cyberpunk 2077. Can't wait.

They are against DRM, so they shouldn't sell their games on Steam. But you know what? They would probably go bankrupt, because PC gamers are most of their fanbase (Steam = 70% of PC gaming digital distribution). If they want to stay in this business, they CAN'T ignore XB1, especially when they already spent much money