
It’s a good thing he has access to health care unlike millions of people in this country and millions more if his party has its way.

I hope someone keeps the receipts for all the treatment he’ll receive with his tax payer funded healthcare.

As always, Barack Obama is a better person than I will ever be.

Who is being a dick? I didn’t say I’m thankful that they were shot.

He thinks being president is some kind of superpower and he can do whatever he wants with it

The rules that apply to him: whatever shit will get him what he wants. The rules that don’t apply to him: everything else.

You can tell by the way Trump swears-in his cabinet.

He is a fucking moron. Easily the dumbest president ever. My hate for him, his supporters and the Republicans taking advantage of his incompetence to fuck everyone that isn’t wealthy, straight and white grows with each day.

Would love to see him publicly questioned under oath. They could ask him all sorts of questions - just to test his veracity.

That, and he doesn’t have the attention span to actually listen to what anyone else says to him. So he’ll half (more like quarter, or eighth) pay attention and respond using some of their words but mostly his.

Ha! As if Herr Cheeto ever knows what he’s talking about. None of his words ever made sense and this is no difference.

“The Predisent is new at this. He’s new to the truth, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between reality, honesty, and accountability. He’s just new to this.”

And idiot with barely coherent answers. Sounds like she should be president. Not Miss USA.

I cannot fathom southern pride.

Um, Oprah’s courtship of homophobia is another reason why the black community trusts her, not something they ignore in spite of their distaste. Black people feel very strongly that they have the right to think “do whatever you want, but two men together just isn’t natural!” and then also say it loudly whenever they

Oprah should be called to the front of the congregation, as it were, to explain this. Not only for the hate speech she is empowering and giving a platform to, but also because prosperity gospel is harmful to the community, it really is a socially accepted and government sanctioned scam.

The bottom line is money. These big money preacher-pimps ensure that Oprah adds to her billions. She’s appealing to her daytime TV audience. Unfortunately, she’s doing so by compromising what she claims to stand for.

So homosexuality is a sin but poverty pimping aka prosperity gospel preaching is the way?

Holy hell, Trump really is going to start a nuclear war solely because he thinks it will make him popular. Fuck, we aren’t going to make it to Infinity War are we?

Can I ask what the story with Susan Rice is? If the NSA picked up information of Americans speaking with Russians during the election wouldn’t we want to know who they are and what they were discussing? I don’t understand the unbelievable outrage that is coming from the right on this (other than the obvious fact that