
Burn the witch!!

you haven’t been paying attention

Pro-slavery forces in the United States, for centuries, pointed directly to the Bible to justify slavery. Anti-abolitionist writings in defense of the slave trade are filled with Bible verses.

Oh you sweet naive fool... Have you ever met a GOP politician?

Honestly, justifying slavery wouldn’t even be that hard. It’s so acceptable in the bible that there are rules for how much you owe the owner if you beat an enslaved person to death, prorated by how long s/he lingers before dying. The fact that they got deep into rules means that the morality was unquestioned.

Now playing

It’s pure insanity that politicians are using any religious text as a basis for their legislation or governance.

Paul was seriously the worst. Also a fake apostle, so it makes sense that republicans like him so much.

The Bible is a Rorschach test. You can see in it whatever you want to: justify slavery, prohibit slavery, can eat shellfish, can’t eat shellfish, etc.

I just want to say that whenever Christians want to justify their horrible worldviews, they always quote either the Old Testament or a letter written by Paul... never Jesus.

“republican to use the hot biblical” It’s pure insanity that politicians are using any religious text as a basis for their legislation or governance. You are hired to take tax dollars and put them to the best use for your citizens, not slavishly adhere to how people that lived thousands of years ago may or may not

Right? Compare to this sad example of urban decay:

Exactly. Michael Moore was on with Chris Hayes tonight and he said that now, the GOP and the insurance companies are going to actively try to implode the ACA. So we need to continue fighting.

And let’s not let up. The town halls, the phone calls, they all helped. But they aren’t going to quit and neither should we. Everyone needs to put pressure on them and ask why they let Rubio slip that measure in in 2014 which gutted the high risk corridors. It’s the #1 reason the insurance companies are pulling out

Funny, because a lot of them will put their seats in danger by voting for this piece-of-shit bill. Let them be more afraid of Trump than the people, though, and see what happens. Vote for this bill. Do it, baby.

President Vladimir TrumPutin

Most of the people complaining about the change in their coverage after ACA live in states that deliberately rejected the creation of state insurance pools and the federal money that came with it.

You are being too kind.

I guess I should be happy that my dad happened to get cancer right in the middle of the Obamacare years.

So....24 million people.

This shit has been going on for years: