
Or, conversely, a wiretap — FISA or otherwise — was authorized, which means a judge found probably cause of wrongdoing in the first place.

There are 62 million equally dumb people in this country.

He misspells a lot of things. But white people don’t care about shit like that unless the person misspelling is brown. Dumb as hell, ignorant as fuck, stupid as shit and still getting the benefit of the doubt of having a brain in his head.

My favorite is the one were he asks if it’s legal. Uh...ask your attorney, not the internet!

He’s not a smart man.

First of all, of course he misspelled “tap”; the man doesn’t know words... or logic, because why would anyone think it was spelled “tapp”?

I have no doubt Trump is posturing ahead of trying to bring both Obama and Clinton to some kind of dictatorial justice.

Jesus I didn’t even make that connection. I was focusing on his constant claims Clinton would start WWIII with Russia.

Isn’t this where we came in? Russia hacking the DNC and Podesta, then feeding it to Wikileaks?

If Trump is claiming his wires have been tapped, then he’s admitting that *everything* that’s been leaked is 100% accurate...is he not?

Manafort — Russian ties

Of course, there’s a Breitbart article circulating making this claim, so the President of the United States believes it. (Hard to believe I’m typing that sentence.) The FBI was turned down for a wiretap and then secured a wiretap when investigating connections between the Russians and the Trump campaign. However, a

So. Judging by Trump’s pattern of past behavior (accuse someone else of doing the thing you actually did), how long before we find out he was wiretapping the Clinton campaign?

And now Obama’s going to need an increase in his security detail as Comet Pizza wannabes come out of the woodwork like beetles.

News outlets are connecting this to a Breitbart piece yesterday, suggesting that is how he “became aware” of this.

Getting played shifts the blame to Trump. He bought it, many people bought the cheap Hollywood movie presidential rhetoric. Its his own damn fault. Every single person who ‘regrets’ voting for Trump failed in their duty to be an informed citizen and skeptic.

Just one jug?

Can’t we just give Obama an award for being the most honorable president ever? A man, devoted to his wife and kids and country, class, decorum, and a just a good dude. The last 100 years (lets not talk about those dudes 100+ years ago, please?) we have been riddled with white men who had questionable goals,

He can put it right next to his Nobel peace prize and his gallon jug of Republican tears.

Played for a chump by Trump....