
Telling the world inspires others to do the same.

I donated to a charity a friend works with a few months ago, and at the end of the checkout process it had a box to share your donation on Facebook, I didn’t do it because I felt silly going “look at me, I’m such a fucking awesome guy”. Then I realized the reason to tell the world is to spread the word and get more

Telling people that you’ve donated may inspire others to do so as well. So thank you for sharing.

Take a gander down to the Justice Department and you might get a clearer idea of why there was no consultation. Homeland Security and the State Department, too. In the week that he’s been ruling by executive order and grandstanding at a GOP retreat, Trump has still not named appointees to fill *hundreds* of positions

Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

Planned Parenthood got my Christmas money. I haven’t missed a single thing I thought I wanted.

Very important to note that by the text of the order, there is NOT any block to Trump’s exclusion of refugees; this JUST says that people cannot be “removed,” which means that people are still stuck abroad. This saves those who were in the air when the EO was signed and who are currently detained.

They appreciate it. As someone who pays her bills through an ACLU salary, I thank you all deeply. The ACLU is very good people and they are going to be tireless the next 4 years.

A-welp. So much for the small shopping spree I had planned with (part of) my income tax refund. Hope the ACLU appreciates the donation!

Why only California?. I say the entire northeast break off from the rest of the country as well. Why not? Like California, we pay more in taxes to Washington DC than we get back from it yet we’re constantly brought down by shitty politicians in southern states who are net takers who make things worse for the rest of

Thank you for this amazing mood lifting article in the wake of so much dickshit badness! I love this blog so much

Thanks Malia, and all others who protested against the Dakota Access Pipeline

This is how dictators and fascists work. They start by demonizing the least liked and marginalizing them. Then they move on to all the other groups they deem undesirables. Remember “first they came for the Jews...”

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

You better believe he’s going to face so many lawsuits, he’ll never get out from under them. Most of this shit will probably be suspended temporarily outright until the conclusion of the trials, too.

Well, every country that has ever existed has eventually fallen, and most of them have had a despot or two along the way. I guess it is our turn. We had an okay run.

This is so out of hand, I can’t even take it! How many executive orders is this, at this point? Is there a limit to how many of these he can do? Because, seriously, you should only be able to circumvent the legislative branch for so long before someone steps in.

Don’t wanna upset those lovely oil-rich friends though, eh Donald?

Huh. K.

While the officer attempted to get Fields to comply, she reached her hands into her pants and threw the tampon at Sousa, which struck him on the shoulder.