
Internalized misogyny! A belief that 2nd generation feminists already did all the work for us! Misinformation spread by men in positions of power! Etc!

Do these people even hear what they’re saying? Yeah, because women are too damned stupid to figure out that an abortion isn’t reversable. Because they haven’t thought about it at all, they just showed up on a whim. “Hey, I’m not doing anything, why not get an abortion? I can always change my mind later.” Happens every

Wow look how happy it makes those men to take choices away from women.

Oh, I know, I know! Pick me!

And what men consider “equal” is often a whole hell of a lot less than 50%. It’s like guys who say, “I’m totally egalitarian! My wife can keep her own name or she can take my name!” They honestly think presenting their own name as a fixed reality and their wife’s name as negotiable is an equal choice.

This is all just another symptom stemming from the disease that there are not enough women in positions of power. You’d think academia should not be so bad. Most people in that field lean left and I’m sure if you asked any professor or dean on their views on gender, they’d decry the wage gap and claim to support

Because it would help women. Policies that would help women aren't popular.

They sure have. Planned Parenthood “selling baby parts” has been brought up constantly.

Kanye "asked his wife for her blessings" to... call Taylor Swift a bitch?

Ok. So Kayne is a musical genius some say.

Somehow I just can’t picture Taylor being willing to do....that with her impeccably manicured fingers.

There’s so many women that are not pro-choice, that are pro-life. And to say they’re not feminists, that they’re anti-women if they’re not supporting another woman is, you know, that’s to me what’s wrong with feminism. That is a turn-off for me as a woman.

Fiorina’s version of feminism: women telling other women what to do and how to do it, as opposed to men telling women what to do and how to do it.

This may be the best thing Johnny Depp has ever done.