
He asked the cop to clean it off, this guy clearly is an asshole.

Agreed, this is very upsetting for the men’s rights movement.

Lol. To each.... :) grandpa to me, refined tastes to you...

Is it me, or does everyone on board look WAY too calm for a hole in the side of their fucking airplane?

Meanwhile, if this had been Mary Barra, you’d write an article about what a bunch of out of touch shitheads GM are and how stupid they are for alienating potential customers. Then Reddit would make the story go viral, and GM would be inundated with Twitter and email harassment until they kowtowed and gave the guy a

Don’t get too excited. The cost will be so outrageous it’ll only be a drug for the rich.

kill all of them

Cool story, bro. Thanks for the mansplanation.

FFS - stop with the calling women bitches.

My mom likes to tell the story about how great her second delivery (my sister) was. Because she was completely stoned. My delivery was a 36-hour nightmare, so as soon as she starting going into labor with my sister, she smoked two joints and THEN went to the hospital. She had no other drugs, no epidurals or anything,

I think if the future of our human existence depended on access to abortion, right-wing nutjobs like Cruz still wouldn’t back down from their position. They’d rather burn down the house with everyone inside than cede ground in the abortion debate. Huckabee thought an 11 year old rape victim should have to carry her

And the most important - they shouldn’t be wimmen.

I’ve long held the opinion that forced birthers from every country are the same. They’re against abortions for all those random sluts, but when they or a family member needs one, that’s when abortions are acceptable. As mosquitos can’t differentiate between the poor and the rich, I wouldn't be surprised to see at

The U-pick-em pro-life responses to the Zika Virus:
“They shouldn’t have traveled to a third world country.”
“They shouldn’t live so close to a third world country.”
“They should’ve lived in another country.”
“They shouldn’t be having sex.”

I love this show so freaking much.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can try to “stand up to something” and “prove them wrong” by acting in the exact way they are being accused of. “Women are claiming we harass them, I’ll show them through, oh I know, a campaign of harassment. That’ll prove my point, I’m a freakin genius!”