
In return, I have to ask you, how many times have you been witness to the brainwashing of a future suicide bomber?

lol isn’t her co-star also nominated for best actor?

How did the leftists get into power in your country? And if they did such a good job, why are they not running it anymore?

Are you speaking from personal experience? Because I would really like to know as someone who has half their family living in Nigeria and as someone who personally witnessed a family member being radicalized.

I don’t think you understand what coercion means...perhaps you mean brainwashed?

There is not current country in the world that functions decently under a leftist government. Your country is either not leftist or simply does not exist.

Is your country a figment of your imagination?

How should I know? I have no idea what country you’re talking about or how that government got into power. Maybe you voted, maybe you supported a “revolutionary” party.

Yes. Without the support of leftist males your leftist government wouldn’t be in power in the first place.

In countries that were under a leftist government? Yes.

Do you?


Wow, what an appropriate comment!


Research on any country that was run by leftist men. There are no exceptions.

Is it really sexism if it’s a truth that has been proven time and time again?

I don’t know and I don’t care...? He’s just another typical male leftist to me. They are all the same across every country and continent.

Leftist men are terrible lol.

I started my comment by pointing out that I don’t know much about any of the people mentioned in the article. I clearly implied that what I was saying had little to do with the article itself and more to do with politics in general.
