GTFO with your POMO bullshit

A girl is just born and is already considered worthy of less time and attention than a boy would be. Not by just some random dude, but by her own father.

It’s very strange to me. Feminists agree that patriarchy exist and that misogyny still shapes modern society. Third-wave feminists analyse (as they should) all aspects of society and the consequences that power imbalances between men and women have on our behavior, on the position of women in society, on relationships

In English? Unfortunately, I don’t think that there is a dubbed version.

all reproduction into, “women oppressed by men,”

I am interested in you explaining to me why you seem to believe that you know about my experience with patriarchy and oppression.

It never happened to me personally. I’m still pretty young (21) and have never been married/lived in a serious arrangement with a man.

The whole series is on Youtube already, that’s where I watched it lol. But it’s in Russian, so not very accessible to most people here.

Now playing

They just did a wonderful miniseries about her rise to power in Russia. I loved it. It’s a shame that it’s not accessible to a wider audience.

Having children is not supporting a “patriarchal ideology.”

Senate Republicans voted 54-46 to prevent Democrats from cutting PP’s funding

But I don’t want the victims to end up in prison for murder :/

Maybe he was viewed as a feminist icon?

Shouldn’t the military fix their problem with sexual assault first?

What do you mean by gender rights?

How can a woman who supports a patriarchal ideology be a feminist?

It’s Maxim, what did you/she expect?

Islamic “feminism” seems pointless to me. Islam and all other old, mainstream (for lack of a better word) religions were founded by men and are patriarchal by nature.

Why do you have to be so sex-negative? Why kink-shame people this way?

we can’t just blithely accept the idea that all women have come to BDSM and rape fantasies in healthy, non-damaging ways

Please remember that kink shaming is not okay