
Mm. Yes. It’s always good to get clarity on people who claim they want America to do the painful work of social justice but, really, only want everyone else to do the painful parts. Justice for Me and all that.

I love Regina King. Maybe because TV-to-film crossovers used to be rarer, I still think “good for you!” every time I see her. That’s about 30 years of turning to whoever I’m with in the theater and whispering, “...but momma why can’t I go skating with Calvin!?”

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Good point, and you’re much less of a windbag than I am. : )

I really do appreciate having a place to read the uncensored, un-niceified opinions of authors of color for audiences of color. Its hard to find a space for discussion of race in our culture that isn’t designed to make white people feel comfortable.

See, right there: I’ve never seen a raisin in a potato salad. Damn Russians...

I’ve got no real quarrel with anyone who’s trying to live an anti-racist life. I just think I disagree with some of your conclusions about the best way to be an anti-racist white person in this fucked-up world.

I agree with you that racism - esp. for white people - is an opt out situation. Does that conflict with my point?  

It’s not just about misinformation. The classic Russian strategy is to build on truths that are divisive - exploit real social divisions and amplify them to break down faith in democratic institutions, destroy coalitions, and create chaos.