
I think much like Tarantino, he excels at taking familiar elements and reworking them in ways that are unmistakably his own. His thriller work from the late 70s-80s is all rock solid, but I also don't really care for any of his later "blockbuster" movies.

I've see the theory floated around that all the talk of Robb and Grey Wind seeming to share one mind on the battlefield is the hint that he was a warg too.


I sort of feel the same way, and I think it has something to do with the fact that while I was a kid who loved playing video games, I also sucked at them. To the point that I could probably count the number of games I actually beat as a kid on one hand. I did better on game like Zelda where you could save your

I am intrigued by Ren's motivation, and if he is really a Snape like conflicted figure trying to play both sides. But I straight up love Rey, and am (im)patiently waiting for the second wave of toys to come out so I can get something of her with a lightsaber. I get why she has the staff in all the pre-release

Terri Hatcher was also pretty bad, but her role was mercifully short.

I am barely able to tolerate Berman during the morning pregame shows, anytime he is called on to do play by play I find the game to be unwatchable.

We need Dan Turpin! Bonus points if they can get Phillip Baker Hall to play him.

Tarkin is supposedly filling the role of "returning archival footage character" but I wouldn't be shocked by a Vader cameo as well.

I graduated with an English degree from a mid major university (who would have guessed so many English Majors wasting time on the AV Club?) and a highlight of one my classes was being told about the existence of this movie and then getting to watch it on an old reel to reel.

In other words, "winter is coming."

Yes, but Man of Steel is an abomination.

The man in black fled across the desert, and the Doctor followed.

This is a YMMV thing, but I very distinctly remember being worried that this would happen to me when the Sci-Fi episodes premiered. However I found Bill sounded enough like "Crow" that by the halfway through Revenge of the Creature, I had completely forgotten it was a new person voicing him.

How sad/terrified are you about the closings of The Dissolve and Grantland within six months of each other? The AV Club is shouldering a lot of pressure to keep people entertained while working and I don't know what I would do if we lost you too.

Can the Patriots go undefeated without Julian Edelman and Dion Lewis, and more importantly, should they even try to go undefeated now that Denver and Cincy have both lost a game? If they are 15-0 in Week 17, won't it make sense to rest players like normal?

Stop looking at your phone while you're swinging around Spidey! You don't want to be accused of being a menace.

Stan Lee: At least he's not Bob Kane.

Belichick will kick the other coach in the balls, and then start breaking their fingers one by one. (I say this as a fan.)

I don't believe in down voting opinions I disagree with, but I am seriously tempted by this.