
This is why I hate sports media, once he was interrupted trying to give context to his question, it’s pretty clear the subject is off limits. The next words out of his mouth should have been a different subject. Just because you put a microphone in someone’s face doesn’t mean you get the right to dissect their every

You know what? Good for Webber. Fuck these lazy sports radio dicks for trying to push where they know they’re not welcome and then fall behind the “I’m just doing my job” bullshit excuse. Hey Doug, even when you do your job, you’re still a dime-a-dozen hack. Fuck Doug Gottlieb.

Webber needs a timeout..(I know.....I know)

Also, I’m adding a link to this discussion in the article itself, because I think readers should see a smart criticism of the piece, as well as the informative stuff you linked here. Thanks.

“... the only difference between him and a Republican is that he says he’s not one.”

#28 in red at the beginning is doing it while trying to stay in his 3-point stance. Dedication.

Is small vagina really a compliment? I'd think it would be like most luscious or tastiest or something. My friends vagina is small and she can't really have comfortable sex. Just sayin.

Stand-up comedy as we know it today, a guy standing in front of a mic just telling jokes, started at the Apollo.

Hell... who invented stand-up comedy? Who was doing stand-up before Amateur Night at the Apollo Theatre?

“Illegal motion, Number 23. High-stepping, Number 55. Illegal use of doo-wop, Number 12. Too many hand waves in one play, Number 33. Weird-ass gestures, Left Shark. All penalties, denied. Third down.”

+ 57

My god, he’s full of scars!

24 seconds of Kobe


Mascot Representing Most North Carolinians Steals Mascot of Local Minor League Baseball Team

A prison depth chart, if you will.

Can we get a ranking of NFL players in who have been in prison? If going by position we could get something like OJ Simpson > Lawrence Phillips > Maurice Clarett for running back.

Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Minaj and Taylor?