Vintage Original 1957 Gibson Les Paul Standard Goldtop

This is exactly the issue, among others. I like how the article goes out of its way to avoid mentioned all of that, as well as all the ass-kissing Erdogan gets from the West. They’ve basically been propping up a dictator and oppressive government.

Ahhhh, good ol’ social conflict theory in action.

“Just Wright” is my go-to guilty pleasure when I need some uncomplicated basic joy.

What about “Pootie Tang”? Whats the consensus on that movie these days?

My parents never discussed any of this with me growing up, and I really with they had. I cannot stress how important the last section is, that “If They Disclose Abuse” to believe them. Thank you for this article and for CFC links on how to talk with various age groups.

What are your thoughts on frozen “Steam n Mash” potatoes? Those have been my goto during the pandemic and I like them fine enough. I’m a little too lazy to cut up fresh potatoes.

Yogurt will absolutely go bad! Once we had a company party/lunch and there were containers of Siggis sitting in the sun since late morning. Every single person who ate those containers got sick to varying degrees.

We all have our moments so its good to highlight the good ones. Keep it up, asshat :)

Thank you for this measured and thoughtful response. It deserves the most up votes.

He kinda half-assed the state’s quarantine policies but that’s just a pretext for Republicans gunning for his office.

Just wait until employers and HR start using this to weed out workers that “aren’t a good fit”.

Thank you. Ultimately it is the best thing, and you’re right, its worth a whole lot to be away from that place now.

What? No maple syrup?? ;)

That’s very kind of you to say. You are certainly the one that put those wonderful words in the right order though!

Small indie company. A dozen peons like myself would do all the work while the half-dozen supervisors and CEO formed a tight-knit inner circle and spent most of their time in meetings, taking short days or “working” from home. I begged for my job and for a resolution with my supervisor, but yeah, shouldn’t have been

Sometimes this sort of casting allows for a perspective that adds a lot of nice depth and multi-dimensionality to a role. I haven’t watched the show but as someone in this thread already mentioned the horrible ads make it seem like the lead is just a shitty actor with stilted delivery. Honestly, my first thought was

Isn’t Whole Lot of Consensual Incest Going On” a Jerry Lee Lewis song?

Zero Dark Thirty is absolutely military and CIA propaganda, but Captain Marvel? Come onnnnn!

Dude, I was personally so emotionally exhausted after completing the first day in the game that I had to set it down. I haven’t been able to continue the game since about a year ago.

Its good to celebrate a legend like Tony Hawk but its also worth noting that a big part of his career was about being in the best physical shape and having the clearest of focus by avoiding substances. Apparently he started partying more later in his life as a celebrity and it was effecting his skating; he was only