Vintage Original 1957 Gibson Les Paul Standard Goldtop

Isn’t adding potato the same as “adding more food”? I mean, you should add some water too to, as you said, “skew the ratio”.

I got abuse from my parents, maybe not as much abuse as other kids I’d known growing up, but I got enough of it that from a young age I’d decided not to have children of my own because I couldn’t bear putting them through that stuff, and because I thought that’s what parenting was all about. I’m happy for you that

“Here is this super serious thing and I’m important enough to not deal with it” is peak narcissism on full display. Like a surge of endorphins straight to the ego.

There certainly are plenty of reasons to call Disney World the mafia and a bunch of Nazis but this definitely is not one of them. Never thought I’d say this, but the mafia is right this time.

Thank you for elaborating with all of that and adding nuance and context; with a lot of those folks there is this duality of having dependence on institutions to get as much funding as possible while at the same time laughing at those same institutions for falling for the grift. I haven’t gotten around to watching The

And of course the punchline at the end is “the government is stupid!”, which has pretty much been the attitude of every engineer I’ve ever met.

This isn’t a bad idea if you want to study film and visual arts, but I’d still rather encourage people to go back and watch actual black n white films. To everyone that keeps making the same rehashed nostalgia jokes, the well goes far deeper than Back to the Future!

Your roommate is my hero.

Same here. HR encouraged me to write a detailed email to the CEO about all the problems my supervisor was giving me. I then had a meeting with the CEO who straight up told me he’s not going to deal with any of the issues I brought up and that I should leave the company because I wasn’t a good fit.

He was obviously comparing twitch to non-twitch situations. Stop being obtuse.

I still don’t get why you have your panties in a bunch. Its like calling Ninja a “sex worker” because he has really horny hair.

Its Fregoricity, spawn of Felicity and Gregory.

This is just wrong. “Smoup” obviously stands for “s’mores and marsupial

I’ve refused to go there ever since they put up that Trump sign. I loved their mustard-kraut dogs and they made the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever! But yeah, as others have mentioned, the place is a completely unsanitary shit hole.

as long as they’re up front about it”

This is true if you’re looking at these movies as one huge collection in hindsight, but if you follow the history of how everything played out over time you’ll see how Nolan influences Marvel’s decision-making and how James Gunn influences DC’s.

Don’t underestimate the influence of Nolan’s grounded and serious take on other comic book movies. As a result Marvel did try their hand at it with Dark World and Winter Soldier. As well as Iron Man did, the early Marvel movies were not receiving the critical acclaim and auteur credit that Nolan’s Batman movies were

My ridiculous and unfounded hope is that the larger petro companies I’ve invested in aren’t as interested in oil as they are in energy and that they eventually make the transition to renewables. If this sounds dumb, I totally agree.

In n Out fries taste like actual potato and not hot potato chips.

Thank you for breaking down all that goes into McDs fries. I for one LOVE In n Out fries because they actually taste like potato and not hot potato chips.