Victor Nefarius
vnefarian cats don’t give a fuck. That’s why I love ‘em. #teamcat

They would endure anything for us.

No way man, that makes too much sense. Clearly it’s the games make people sexist, just like they make them violent, drug addled sex addicts too! I should know, the right wing Christian fundies say so.

Why do you work for an unethical homophobic institution?

They can out via Gawker and rest assured their own identity will be kept secret for professional reasons! Win, win!

I’m wondering how Natasha Vargas Cooper can justify being a sociopath.

There are a finite number of spots. To make it interesting the people who are bitching should out the people they think don’t deserve to be nominated.

1) Don’t voice chat. They don’t know if you don’t talk.

Wait, how do games encourage misogyny due to perceived misogynistic undertones (which aren’t even in Halo, so wtf are you on about there? Cortana is Master Chief’s partner and is arguably more useful than he ever could be.) when it’s been proven that violent themes in games don’t make people violent? If violent themes

It was a hoax and Gawker not only participated in it, but advanced it and made money off of it.

Get out of here Cassie, we all saw what you did to that bakery.

I’m quite glad you put in ‘at the time’ because that is a long time to suffer a such a tool.

Basically, there is no reason for voice chat.

I have a simple rule. If im playing an online video game. I will take advice and constructive criticism but if you yell at me (male or female) I will troll the rest of the game to prove a point.

This video seems so over-the-top-eroticized, like- did you not notice that it’s Ciara? She could be sitting on a couch wearing a dirty t-shirt and Cheeto dust and still be amazingly hot. You don’t have to work so hard, with the shallow pool and the endless negligees and so on.


If the police could not identify the vast majority of the victims how could they possibly be sure that some of the models were not underage? It seems more than probable that this fuckstain on the mattress of humanity filmed young women under the age of eighteen and thus gets to add child pornographer to his rap sheet.

I guess if one is fucking desperate as hell to take a great photograph because they need validation from a crowd of people they don’t know, some of whom will take these tips and lessons to heart so they, too, can take a uselessly overwrought photo of them looking “flawless” to get validation from a whole bunch of

That’s gross and he of all people should know better. Jeebus do I hate people.