
Dude, I’m 54, and the lingo goes back to before I was born. Queer history didn’t begin with Stonewall. Read a book. And go troll somewhere else.

The movie is fabulous. It’s ostensibly for kids but full of really weird funny shit. Perfect for “augmented viewing” if you’re lucky about what state you live in.

She can’t tell the difference between Asians sitting upon that high horse of hers.

Why did you just rattle off a bunch of random Asian dudes? Wouldn’t it need to be specifically someone of mixed raced descent who is both Japanese and white? Steven Yeun is Korean if I am not mistaken. Same with Kang and Kyson. It is wildly offensive for you to just assume that all people from Asia are the same.

I also actually really liked his portrayal of Danny Rand. I thought it was very subtle, but really well done. There always seemed to be a lot going on under the surface.

“Is Finn Jones still so void of charisma that it’s still painful to watch Danny Rand?”

Oh! Extra request.

“he’s not doing the thing I want!”

Damn and here I thought she was reaching out specifically to an Asian American to try and learn more about the situation and how to approach it. Silly me!

R.I.P. Agents of Shield. This has “replacement show” written all over it — as in “AoS isn’t working, so let’s try another Marvel property.”

The thing is, AoS honestly is my favorite comic book show on TV right now. I think it finds a nice balance between the sillier aspects of the CW shows and the dead-serious tone of

125 million people voted this year in the USA for president. If the Republicans didn’t suppress voters, the USA didn’t lock up black people for smoking a joint and not allowing 28% of the voting age from voting because of it, and the Democratic Party setting up the primary and still not understanding why they lost,

You know what? It’s also weird that Herschel gave his family watch to Glenn as his son-in-law instead of giving it to one of his daughters. Maybe no one in the family cares about the watch. Maybe Herschel won it at church bingo or something.

Seriously the people complaining about whitewashing...

Are they aware of, like... the entire history of anime and Japanese media?

“...instead saving their ravenous bloodlust for the living.” Gee, that’s an insane plot twist.

No, he’s not contradicting himself. He’s saying that it’s bad enough that people expect him to only do martial arts films, but even worse that he can’t even get consideration to be the lead of those films. Marvel’s basically saying, Hey, Asian-American actor, we’d like you to be a ninja! But not the main ninja, the

I’ll just take this opportunity to share my favorite quote about Atlas Shrugged:

Hi - why do you think you were underwhelmed? Genuinely asking.

"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and