
“It’s hertitage not hate” while ignoring it’s a heritage of hate.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people want to self-identify as the lowest form of life.

The Confederate Flag: Because why let people just think you’re a racist?

We need more worker solidarity, not bourgeois pretension. The current economic system doesn’t work for majority of our people.

I literally posted links to articles explaining exactly why I thought he was defending his bottom line above all else. You’ve done no such thing, so how about you defend YOUR position. Except that you can’t, because you don’t know the fucking meaning of argument. And you’re the one talking about “ASSumptions” so

He actually did impoverish himself with SpaceX at first. But he was desperately terrified that there was going to be a global event that wiped out him and humanity. His whole drive for building SpaceX is the colonization and terraforming of Mars. Everything else he’s done has been secondary to that goal or helps it

I am not so sure that he can ever be effective. I haven’t seen any of Musk’s supposed influence yet, and there has been a lot of time in engagement that should have borne some fruit by now. But then, it is hard to build a house when you don’t even have the basics of woodworking down. And this is the problem with being

And that’s your assumption. Which is fucking moronic. My assumption is based on economics and the history of industry in this country. Yours is based on hero worship.

He’s only making a difference to his bottom line, which is hugely reliant on government funding.

You talk as if people want to be on social assistance.

I personally know people who have to struggle to get benefits that are due to them, for whom the bureaucratic struggles are a challenge because of their disabilities.

You talk as if people want to be on social assistance. Most people want a decent job. You can’t live on a minimum wage job which is far too many of the jobs out there.

As I mentioned to someone else on another post, this is the first time water has gone over the emergency spillway in the dam’s 49-year history. This is far from being the only infrastructure need in California, and getting repairs and upgrades like this funded is not simple. The state has to prioritize how it spends

But please stop making this situation sound way more dire than it really is. Yes, the spill way was messed up. But the main foundation of the underlying damn is sound an not in any way close to collapse.

I see what you are saying. Jerry Brown has been in office since 2011 - and Schwarzenegger wasn’t a deconstructionist. And that is fair! I agree something should have been done by leadership. At the same time - taking away - or privatizing - the data, tools, and agencies that help communities process these issues does

Sadly the climate deniers will say that since you had years of extreme drought followed by heavy rain....the precip was average and thus indicates nothing is wrong!

Considering the anti-regulation attitude of the current administration it is hard to see any of this getting better. Without laws and regulations that require dams to comply with modern safety standards, private entities (and local governments) will remain focused on short-term profitability at the expense of

No fuck that. We’re building walls around important things, like Mexican babies and not around dumb shit like water.

But yes - let’s let the regressive republicans deconstruct our government. Get rid of the EPA and boss around Army Corps of Engineers. What could go wrong?!