Valerie Malone

I feel the same, though the hubby is unconcerned that I’ve stopped all chat shows and news stuff and basically everything but Jezebel. It’s sad, because I miss Colbert and Seth Meyers’ takedowns of Herr CheetoFuhrer, but I just can’t laugh about this stuff right now.

Ding ding ding. You hit the nail on the head. Speaking as an educated black woman: some people get really upset at the idea of our very existence. You have to remember, to them black women are still the stereotypes they see on TV and the moment we step outside of that box they’ve made for us, then the confusion

This. I despise how racist jokes about the womanhood of strong, black women are essentially normalized. So many people, even so-called liberals, have made disgusting comments about the Williams sisters or Michelle. So many try to write it off as “it’s just a joke”....fuck no.

She’s treated a lot like how Serena Williams is treated. Williams has been called a man by so many people and so has Michelle. I’m wondering if it is because both women are black, strong and athletic. That racist can’t stand their mix of strength and power so they deny their womanhood.

For experts not on Ramsey payroll, the leading theory regarding the male DNA is that it was transferred during the manufacturing process and is not at all related to her murder.

Never call Center stage a pos :)

That settles it then.

I’m certain in my belief. I have no doubt that we’re reunited with loved ones in death - not like everyone is in heaven and happy together, just that our unknowable souls are reunited. I can’t explain how or why but I’ve never questioned it. And for me, it’s a separate belief system from religion. I think you can

For what it’s worth, part of me hopes that you’re right and I’m wrong. Dealing with grief as a non-believer has been one of the more difficult things I’ve ever had to do. One of the things that really surprised me in the aftermath was how angry/jealous I was of people who believed, and who were so certain in their

There is really only one “celebrity death” that will bring me comfort:

She was in failing health and didn’t want to live without her daughter. Which is making me cry every time I think about (great big blubbery tears). And the shock of Carrie’s death must’ve put Debbie’s precarious health over the edge. But I feel particularly bad for Todd. (And Billie and Gary.)

Pizza in the mourning
Pizza in the grieving
Pizza at somber times

Bagel BitesⓇ

She practiced these dances ‘til her feet bled. Every day. Gene gave her no quarter. But she stuck it out and is now immortalized in one of the finest films ever made. And Charlotte! So many of us knew her first as the voice of that wise and loving mother figure of Charlotte. That poor family. And the pain of losing a

Under most circumstances, dying at 84 would not be tragically extraordinary. Dying the day after your daughter is, which is why this is hitting much harder than it would if the situation was different.


Mother and baby, together forever:

I was talking to my mom and she loves Debbie Reynolds. She grew up with her and seeing her in all those old movies. Still, Reynolds was in fragile health and dealing with the stress of losing a child must have been too much for her. I pray she and Carrie are together.

Yeah, ordinarily this would be a totally decent, ordinary death. But to die while planning the funeral for your child- gah, so, so sad.

She didn’t want to live without her daughter. I’m ugly crying.