Next time one of your Trump supporting patients mentions Trump let them know that Mike Pence, the puppet master, plans on privatizing Medicare and dismantling Social Security right after they repeal the ACA.
Next time one of your Trump supporting patients mentions Trump let them know that Mike Pence, the puppet master, plans on privatizing Medicare and dismantling Social Security right after they repeal the ACA.
“If I end up selling a lot of them, definitely!”
I work in a dental office where we frequently have Fox News on in multiple patient rooms, so I called in sick Wednesday too, I hadn’t slept at all Tuesday night, and I did not think I could handle both being subjected to a workday of Fox commentary plus the inevitable patient comments when I was both grief-stricken…
Right????!!! “Thanks for the suggestion “. Lady!!!! This is why all the things are wrong!
I thank you for the integrity you have. You lose a sick day from your bank instead of pissing in their food. You’re better than many.
I know I am not the only one who has spent the last 4 days blindingly drunk, but I actually called into work today just to specifically get crap housed again. I am a chef at a country club and I don’t know if I can make food for a bunch of Trump supporters anymore. I seriously don’t know if I can do it anymore.
When Bush won, I wasn’t thrilled, especially considering how contentious the win was, but I didn’t protest and I was perfectly polite about it to my conservative family, who did not gloat in the slightest. Once he was in office, his actions were fair game for ridicule, as were Obama’s, but I never suggested that Bush…
Also not my first lady. Still wondering how she paid for an apartment at Zeckendorf Towers back when she was an illegal mid-level model, before she made the Donald her fulltime client. She’s a mean-eyed gold digger who has shown no self respect and thinks it’s cute that “she’s got two little boys.” So, fair game…
Does literally no one remember that Trump himself wouldn’t refer to Obama as his own president in the third debate? He literally told Hillary “your president.”
There is no realistic way in which we are not getting either Trump or Pence. Even if there was some kind of revolt at the Electoral College vote in December, and enough Republican electors refused to cast votes for Trump, then the lack of 270 electoral votes for any candidate would send the election to the House.…
He is the president.
He’s not even going to be allowed to use a fully-functioning cell phone. He’s going to lose his goddamn mind.
Pence becomes President. That would be a very, very bad idea.
Yet, this fact does not bring me joy.
See, the difference is I’m not questioning Trump’s legitimacy as president. He won it fair and square in our shitshow of an election process. I don’t literally believe he’s not the president like the Obama haters did. But he does not represent anything I stand for or any of the values that actually make America great.…
You should be able to get those signs pretty cheap from all the Republicans that bought them in 2008 and don’t need them anymore.
I converted to Scientology and planned on joining the Sea Org if I was ever given a chance, before figuring my shit out and hightailing it out of there before I was in too deep.
I fucking HATE nuts in my chocolate stuffs
No, nuts in baked goods should NOT happen. Especially walnuts. Walnuts fucking suck.