Valerie Malone

Yeah, “red flags” are easy to spot in hindsight, but so often they are perfectly consistent with innocent behavior. You can’t go through life just assuming that every slightly odd behavior is something dark and nefarious. There’s an implicit trust you just have to have in people that the things they are doing

Donald Trump slapped his second-most slappable son, who was wearing a Yankees shirt at the time?

This story is designed for an audience of people who do not understand how the courts work, and don’t realize that the system requires rigorous defense of heinous criminals to function. It’s impossible to argue with people to whom you have to explain that the entire premise for their outrage is backwards. I think

So, is there going to be a storyline where Vanessa’s character (who I’m assuming is supposed to be Star Jones) comes under fire for plugging businesses in exchange for free shit? Because, iirc, that’s why Star was (essentially) fired in the first place.

And what drives me crazy is that Trump has now set a precedent for future presidential races. Now apparently it’s acceptable to lie, have zero actual policies, attack women, minorities, and disabled people, and refuse to release tax returns or any information about financial dealings, not to mention sexual assault.


Now playing

I thankfully do not live in a battleground state so I don’t have to see so many ads. The Clinton ads are usually pretty well done— this one in particular is brutal:

Michelle - You should eat more vegetables.

It’s not the lying that drives me insane. It’s the fact that people believe the lies. It’s like critical thinking went out the window in favor of confirmation bias.

the lying drives me insane. like...how is someone “doing well” in a debate when every goddamned thing he says isn’t true?!?! i just cannot handle it.

She’s b-l-a-c-k.

Performance is not automatically attention-seeking. I perform because I love telling stories, and because performance is a way to create a connection and a conversation with other people. I love expression and the feedback I get from an audience. It feels like a fundamental part of being alive to me.

As a former actress, I can tell you why I wanted to be in the industry. Actually, let me reword that: I didn’t want to be “in the industry,” I simply wanted to act. Like any other creative person, I wanted to practice my art and be paid for it. I started saying I wanted to be an actress when I was very, very small. I

Maybe..... cause it’s something they find rewarding in itself? Like, they just enjoy that? Is it that crazy to suggest that not everyone who wants to go into acting is just desperate for attention?

I think the second paragraph of your comment was meant for “PyramidHat”? ;-)

Now just imagine this man in a position of actual power. American freedom of the press: July 4, 1776 - January 20, 2017. It’s been a good run.

It’s almost as if harassment and intimidation are an integral part of his campaign.

I’ve been saying for a while: The first woman to be President was going to be hit with a shitstorm of misogyny. Doesn’t matter who that woman was, it was always going to happen, because it has to.

But the thing is, saying, “Well, even if it isn’t true it’s the sort of thing they’d do” is what Hillary has had to put up with for twenty-five years. Benghazi, Vince Foster, crackpipe Christmas decorations, flinging heavy objects at Secret Service people, secret email servers that leaked information to China,