
The few times I met him, he was nice enough to me, but that might have had a little bit to do with the fact that I was 22 years old and had bleached blonde hair. (This was quite a while ago.)

Yep. Fucking thing's borked again.

Better than the alternative, I suppose.

That's for firsties, dude.

No one I know gives a hammered shit about the Raiders, but I'm on the East Coast. Raiders fans are an easy knee-jerk example of loud, moronic football fandom, and they're especially easy to mock because a certain percentage of them seem to view themselves as legitimate outlaws, rather than just exuberant fans of a

Maybe I'm a blasphemer, but once the Sox are out - or if they tank, like last season - I root for the story, leagues be damned. I was rooting hard for the Royals last year, and I couldn't care less about the Royals. I feel for suffering fan bases. I remember how it was.

You know what's not the best make out song? "I'm the Man" by Anthrax. Trust me.

In '92, they looooved grunge. Couldn't get enough of it. By '93, it was depressing music played by miserable junkies from a miserable town. The Brits are fickle.

Tonight at the Pit, everyone gets laid.