
This was a pleasantly well-timed article to come across. I have recently ranted about my experiences in FFXI while streaming FFXIV. Like most of the comments in response to your article, FFXI was a keystone moment in my gaming life as well.


Can you also get in a dig at millennials and call yourself and those who agree with you “real fans”? I almost have Bingo.

Investors are confused!

what kids today don't know is that a lot of NES games were super hard back in the day. Dark Souls is nothing when you've beaten Contra without a cheat code. Health? Sure. You can take one shot and you're dead. Checkpoints? Sort of. Save files? Nope. You're on the last level and mom wants you to stop playing so she

Funny story, I had suspended a game during a cinematic and opened up pornhub. Now my achievement’s screenshot is.. well.. fucked.