OG Glip Glop

Lol you honestly sound a bit too paranoid. Quite frankly, a bit like my 60 year old aunt who had trouble understanding why her laptop didn’t need to always be plugged in. Technology isn’t scary, dude. Who gives a shit of where you’re driving that you have to turn your phone off? No one care’s enough to even keep that

If you have taken a look at how Apple deals with personal data right now you would know this to not be true. They’re pretty good at protecting that.

Come up with something new? Lol please tell me how everyone WASN’T complaining about FF not being what it used to be. They did do something new. Who else is pulling stunts like that in their movies?

The first one looks way too Magnum. And not in a good way. imho

That roof is damn sexy. Just two pieces of glass it looks like. Can’t imagine how amazing it would be inside this thing. Wonder if they can get a system eventually that allows the glass to tint when it’t sunny and become clear at night.

I don’t think there’s enough data to decide that. Grille’s were born from function and were forced to be stylized. The way the car looks now isn’t based solely on what people like but rather one what manufactures can do with it after it meets all the safety requirements. Ever wonder why 99% of the cars are basically

Yeah cuz that bitch is going to be on full brightness with a white background in the middle of the night. Please just think before you write stupid ass shit.

lol those are only essential in design when you have a whole layout. Climate control can be stablished without ridiculous looking vents.

The front looks off because literally every other car since the beginning of cars has had a grille so we just aren’t that use to is. I am excited for this to create some new design opportunities that we've never explored before.

Why do anything else though? We are so used to car manufactures designing intricate dashes and center consoles but... Why?

Hahaha definitely on the same page.

She’s lied just as much as Trump. I am also a Bernie supporter but would vote for Hillary without blinking if it meant keeping Trump out of the office... But I’ve heard plenty for why she’s not a good person. She is basically the embodiment of everything wrong with the Democratic party.

What is impressive is how far we have come with safety. All the crash video’s that have been posted lately show everyone getting out and walking away. That looked INTENSE! It’s almost unbelievable to watch him get out and only limp away.

I know the interior won’t survive, like... not even a bit.
But please, PLEASE make the production version look as close to this as possible. Don’t pull a WRX on us.

What the shit?! I swear I’ve pressed every button when I first got into the Mako... I’m pretty sure I did. I never knew the Jets were a think. So incredibly pissed right now, Mass Effect was definitely in my top 3 favorites and this would have been so much fun!

Well, this is what happens when people bitch and moan. Creators are forced to make dumb and unrealistic situations just to sooth the minds of people watching A FUCKING FICTION STORY THAT ISN’T REAL.

THIS. I always thought it was stupid to foul at the end. It works so rarely and in very specific situations. 95% of the time I see NBA teams do that it does not help at all...

Yeah I didn’t realize that’s what they were for at first but they seem impractical. Whats preventing someone from launching a car at like 40mph over one of those things? Or are they too steep for that?

This thing looks insanely awesome but wtf is that? I guess that’s why it’s 3 grand. They just took some bed frames and turned em into motorcycle parts.

Do you hear him speak? Sure, he invested his money nicely. But he’s bankrupted how many of those companies? But do you hear him speak though... And do you see the way he acts? It’s a pouty 12 year old in a 70 year olds body.