OG Glip Glop

It looks really good in person. Saw it at the Portland Auto Show and it had some incredible paint on it. Looks great.

Claiming over 30mpg on this car is as preposterous as claiming the earth is flat. My mother has had it for nearly a year and I it’s never gone over 21mpg on average. Usually it’s at 19, even when we took a trip 6 hours away and it was all highway. Other than that it’s a great car, genuinely impressed by it and all it

We have quite a bit here in Portland. A bunch of granturismo’s, quite a bit of Quattroporte’s and I do see more and more Ghiblis every day. Definitely not as much as Vancouver though jesus... I remember driving to Whistler through Vancouver 2012 and I was awed by how often I saw Panameras and Maseratis, driven

Sounds like the basic description of a GoPro lol. But while they focus more on video this focuses on photo and the ease of connection which makes it sort of a novelty item. $380 does seem like a better original price point than $600.

Sounds like the basic description of a GoPro lol. But while they focus more on video this focuses on photo and the

Honestly could they not make it more boring? It looks like a Chinese knockoff of the Infiniti.

Hahahaha what? Did you see the tires on that thing? That would look absolutely ridiculous on the street. This vette you can drive to the bar downtown and no one’s going to try to give you directions to the drag strip because they will assume you’re lost.

It almost looks like it starts floating when the wheels spin hard in the water, is that possible for something at it’s weight?

One customer doesn’t matter. The only reason this is getting any coverage at all is because every other company is drooling and pandering to anyone who flashes some dollars at them. The behavior is out of the ordinary for car manufactures but nothing out of the ordinary for someone who owns a store or some other

GM = A company that’s been around forever and releases most cars under the radar because they’re mundane transportation necessities. Yeah, they do some really cool things but the majority of it is nothing super out of this world.

Well at least that front doesn’t look 5 times too large for the truck now.

But there saying Glory to God. Not oh my God. That’s a bit different...

I see your point but I honestly don’t think it’s going to be a big change... Shit will still get wet sometimes.

Clicked this because I actually thought there was something. Read the first point and thought I had to check the author. My confused then cleared.

Proven to be lethal? Please provide the source of your evidence good sir.

Read the first point and realized how much bullshit was going to be in the other points.
I mean... Do you even know how films are supposed to be made? You talk like you’re an overweight rich guy sitting in a $30,000 massage chair ranting about why this specific movie out of the millions of movies out there isn’t your

Came here to say this. This is precisely what I hate about these movements. People go too far because everyone starts getting way too politically correct.

Admiral Ackbar.

I also own regular over the ear headphones and the combination works great. Sometimes I forget to charge the bluetooth buds and the Urbanears on-ear headphones are always there for those situations. I mostly use the on-ear at home and the bluetooth when I commute.

I also own regular over the ear headphones and the combination works great. Sometimes I forget to charge the

That’s pretty cheap for bluetooth buds. I got my Plantronics Go2 over two years ago and they’re quite awesome. I never realized how much the chord gets in the way.

That’s pretty cheap for bluetooth buds. I got my Plantronics Go2 over two years ago and they’re quite awesome. I

It’s Kanye, so I don’t doubt he made it all like this on purpose to stir up conspiracy theories and buzz. Is it crazy to think that out of all people, Kanye would be the guy to make a creepy recruitment game for some crazy cult on purpose? He’s not actually trying to recruit anyone, he’s playing on our Taboo’s.